How to purchase MTPL insurance from Movcar for fleets?

How can you purchase a mandatory car insurance (MTPL) directly from a fleet management platform?

If you have a fleet of vehicles and want to save time and money when purchasing mandatory car insurance (MTPL), an efficient solution can be to obtain the insurance directly from the fleet management platform.

This is possible due to partnerships between insurance companies and fleet management platforms, which offer customers the ability to purchase insurance directly through their application.

Why choose to buy mandatory car insurance (MTPL) directly from a fleet management platform? Time and effort savings: instead of searching for MTPL insurance on different websites or going to insurance company offices, you can quickly find and purchase an MTPL policy directly from the fleet management application you are already using.

Access to information and multiple options: the fleet management platform can provide access to multiple insurance companies and insurance options, allowing you to choose the best offer for your needs.

Ease of administration: once you have purchased the MTPL insurance, it is integrated into the fleet management platform, so you can manage all insurances for your vehicles in one place.

Potential to save money: since fleet management platforms can negotiate better rates for MTPL insurance due to the large volume of customers, you can save money by purchasing insurance through this application

How can you purchase mandatory car insurance (MTPL) directly from the fleet management platform?

Access the Movcar fleet management platform, in the MTPL insurance section.

Select the option to purchase MTPL insurance and follow the instructions to find and purchase the best insurance offer for your vehicles.

After completing the purchase of the MTPL insurance, it will be automatically integrated into the fleet management platform, and you can manage all your vehicle insurance in one place.

In conclusion, purchasing mandatory car insurance (MTPL) directly from a fleet management platform can be an excellent option for any vehicle owner.


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